
Maika Daveta

Food And Agriculture Organisation Of UN

I am currently the National Project Coordinator for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN “Forest and Landscape Restoration Project”. I am also pursuing my Master’s degree at the University of the South Pacific on the elucidation, mass production and inoculation of rhizobium for restoration of degraded lands. My work revolves around plant genetic resources, biodiversity and conservation, food and nutrition security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, land degradation, rural development and capacity building to name afew.

Presentations by Maika Daveta
Enhancing Capacity of Community M&E Officers and Yaubula Committee  in Planning,  Implementing, Monitoring and Reporting FLR efforts in  Naviti and Malolo District, Fiji
Enhancing Capacity of Community M&E Officers and Yaubula Committee in Planning, Implementing, Monitoring and Reporting FLR efforts in Naviti and Malolo District, Fiji
Maika Daveta
Characterisation of Naviti soil physio-chemical status for restoration
Characterisation of Naviti soil physio-chemical status for restoration
Maika Daveta
Fiji (focus on Mamanuca and Yasawa islands)
Fiji (focus on Mamanuca and Yasawa islands)
Maika Daveta