
Rodrigo Alfredo Nuñez-Inzunza

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN

Hola, ༄ Ma'alob k'iin! ༄ (Good day!)

I'm a marine biologist specializing in coral reefs, with extensive experience in conservation projects throughout the Mexican Caribbean. I'm deeply involved in environmental education, citizen science, and research on reef ecosystems, focusing on herbivory, biodiversity, and restoration. My academic background includes a BSc. in Marine Biology from UADY and an MSc. from LEEAC, CINVESTAV-IPN.

I'm an active member/volunteer of local initiatives like Corales Vivos, Mar Sustentable and Healthy Reefs, advocating for blockchain technology as part of the #DeSci movement. As Co-Founder of MesoReefDAO, I'm passionate about utilizing decentralized science to regenerate coral reef conservation in the Mesoamerican Reef. I'm also a contributor to the Mexico Chapter of GreenPill.network, working on regenerative systems.

In my free time, I pursue my love for underwater macro photography, capturing the intricate beauty of marine cryptobenthic species to share with the world.



Presentations by Rodrigo Alfredo Nuñez-Inzunza
The Role of Fish in Coral Outplanting Restoration Areas: A Functional Ecology Approach
The Role of Fish in Coral Outplanting Restoration Areas: A Functional Ecology Approach
Rodrigo Alfredo Nuñez-Inzunza