
Basil Schur

Green Sklls

Basil Schur grew up in Zimbabwe into a farming of family of Jewish heritage. He came to Australia in 1981 to begin university in Perth. Basil is a passionate, energetic, and dedicated worker for the environment and has been so for over four decades. He has initiated and implemented a wide range of projects and events. In 2021, Basil won the Australian Government’s Individual Landcarer Award, which recognises individuals who have shown outstanding leadership and significant commitment to landcare.

Basil started working with Green Skills (greenskills.org.au/) in Denmark in 1989 . In his role as a project manager, he initiates and oversees a wide range of projects linked to community development and ecological restoration. He is a champion and ambassador of the Gondwana Link effort and was pivotal in the early expansion of Gondwana (https://gondwanalink.org/)_ Link projects to the west of the Stirling Range (Koi Kyeunu-ruff). Key efforts have included leading   south coast regional wetland conservation program since the 1990s, establishment of the Balijup feral predator-free eco sanctuary near Cranbrook, WA and landscape scale bushland conservation and restoration in WA’s Great Southern.

Basil’s projects seek Noongar cultural engagement on country by Elders and Rangers, and the involvement of citizen scientists and the community. A key focus and strength of his work is building long term collaborations, including with farmers, and enriching landcare and eco-restoration projects with eco-art events and exhibitions. He is a keen participant in reconciliation project, wetlands restoration, biodiversity conservation, waste minimisation, community gardening and environmental education are further interests and passions.

Presentations by Basil Schur
Investing in The Future: Private Land Acquisition for Eco-restoration - challenges and opportunities
Investing in The Future: Private Land Acquisition for Eco-restoration - challenges and opportunities
Basil Schur