
Paulo Guilherme Molin


Professor at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and graduate programs PPGPUR at UFSCar and PPGRF at ESALQ/USP. Has two Post-Doc from the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/IB/USP); Doctor degree in Forest Resources from University of São Paulo (ESALQ); MSc in Geospatial Technologies from the European Erasmus Mundus program at University of Muenster (Germany), New university of Lisbon (Portugal) and University of Jaume I (Spain); and BSc in Environmental Management from University of São Paulo (ESALQ).

He is Lead Researcher in the FAPESP Atlantic Forest Strategy project (#2021/11940-0), Principal Investigator in the FAPESP/NWO NewFor project (#2018/18416-2) and Associate Researcher in FAPESP BIOTA-Synthesis (#2020/06694-8).

Main areas of interest are landscape modeling, landscape ecology, ecosystem services modeling with aplication of geotechnologies such as models, GIS, remote sensing and GNSS (GPS). His research is applied to solving or mitigating climate change problems, as well as quantifying ecosystem services and benefits for people and nature, creating spatially explicit models and scenarios.


Presentations by Paulo Guilherme Molin
How research has integrated stakeholders and focused on public policies for large scale restoration
How research has integrated stakeholders and focused on public policies for large scale restoration
Paulo Guilherme Molin