
Valerie Hagger

The University of Queensland

Valerie’s research informs management of coastal wetlands by assessing the drivers of mangrove conservation and restoration success, the opportunities for coastal wetland restoration, and the benefits to biodiversity and people. As a UN Ocean Decade Action, her AXA-UNESCO research fellowship aims to inform policy and programs to promote successful mangrove community forestry worldwide. Her work on coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon and co-benefits contributed to the Australian Government blue carbon tidal restoration method and led to current research on characterising biodiversity enhancements from controlling feral ungulates in wetlands. Her passion for wetland biodiversity is helping to develop new monitoring methods under emerging biodiversity markets. She supports the restoration community through her roles with the Society of Ecological Restoration Australasia and Australia’s Restoration Decade Alliance.

Presentations by Valerie Hagger
Framework for measuring and verifying biodiversity benefits in coastal wetland restoration projects
Framework for measuring and verifying biodiversity benefits in coastal wetland restoration projects
Valerie Hagger