
Rob Massatti

U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center

Rob Massatti is a Research Ecologist at the United States Geological Survey Southwest Biological Science Center in Flagstaff, Arizona. Since 2016, he has developed a research program that invovles a diversity of field-based and genomic investigations to provide science in support of the Bureau of Land Management's Colorado Plateau Native Plant Program and the National Seed Strategy. His particular interests revolve around applying genomics to support the use and development of native plant materials across the Intermountain West. These interests have resulted in the development of tools and methodologies that account for species' evolutionary patterns, which may guide management decisions given future, changing climates.

Presentations by Rob Massatti
Combining evolutionary and ecological data to identify provenance of native plant restoration materials
Combining evolutionary and ecological data to identify provenance of native plant restoration materials
Rob Massatti