
Mateo Cariño Fraisse

Preferred By Nature

Mateo is Land Use Program Manager at Preferred by Nature, with extensive experience in forestry and carbon auditing (FSC, PEFC, CCB, VCS, Gold Standard, Plan Vivo, Carbon Footprint Management, etc.) and projects since 2000 globally. With a Forest Engineer background, Mateo has been involved in the social aspects of sustainability with smallholders, indigenous and traditional communities, and areas like gender, labour rigths, or FPIC. Mateo has been providing training in forestry auditing, including High Conservation Values, Ecosystem Services, and social aspects for over 20 years internationally, and is a member of the IIFACE, to contribute as a facilitator to the ecosocial change. He is currently leading the Preferred by Nature Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative that is aiming to support the global effort in restoration by bring field accountability to this growing trend. Mateo speaks Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese.

Presentations by Mateo Cariño Fraisse
Accountability and Transparency: providing value through auditing Ecosystem Restoration projects
Accountability and Transparency: providing value through auditing Ecosystem Restoration projects
Mateo Cariño Fraisse