
Elena Allegri

Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change

Elena Allegri holds a Master Degree in Climate Change at the University of Copenhagen and she is currently a PhD candidate in Science and Management of Climate Change at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and affiliated to the Euro-Mediterranean Center in Climate Change (CMCC). Her research activity focuses on the implementation of NbS as adaptation strategies in marine-coastal areas to face the impacts of climate change and on the multidisciplinary risk assessment for the evaluation of the cumulative effects affecting marine-coastal areas. She is currently part of the H2020 MaCoBioS project. Her research interest is overall on developing adaptation strategies to cope with climate change and to manage environmental issues.

Presentations by Elena Allegri
Optimizing land-sea management for mitigating water quality degradation under a changing climate
Optimizing land-sea management for mitigating water quality degradation under a changing climate
Elena Allegri