
Cecilia Alcoreza


Cecilia Alcoreza is the WWF-US Forest team expert on pulp, paper, and packaging. Her expertise includes extensive knowledge of global production, trade, and consumption of forest products, currently working on mitigating and reversing the impacts of pulp and paper as drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in tropical, boreal, and temperate forests. Her expertise includes extensive knowledge of forest certification, improved forest management practices in natural forest and tree plantations, forest restoration, and multi-stakeholder dialogues.

In this capacity, she advises companies on sourcing policies, landscape/jurisdictional approaches demonstrating responsible environmental and social practices within deforestation-driving supply chains, and responsible forest conservation and restoration as an opportunity for companies seeking to address climate change and protect nature.

In addition, Cecilia oversees the Madre de Dios landscape in Peru and South West Amazon landscape, in which WWF-US directs corporate and philanthropic support on improved management practices, forest restoration to strengthen priority corridor species, and the achievement of the 30x30 conservation target. Complementing this landscape oversight role, Cecilia manages WWF’s relationships with Procter & Gamble on the forest workstream and advises several companies in the pulp and paper and lumber sector to transform sectors through responsible sourcing and investment, supplier engagement, and corporate leadership.

Cecilia holds a bachelor's of forest engineering and B.A. in Agro Resources – sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University in Chile and certificates in tropical forest landscape conservation, restoration, sustainable use, agroecology and agroforestry systems, and forest certification.


Presentations by Cecilia Alcoreza
Building the groundwork for landscape restoration to ensure jaguar habitat and the ecosystem services they provide are connected and restored in Madre de Dios, Peru
Building the groundwork for landscape restoration to ensure jaguar habitat and the ecosystem services they provide are connected and restored in Madre de Dios, Peru
Cecilia Alcoreza, Nelson Gutierrez