
Henri Douche

With a master’s degree in agriculture, Henri has worked in the agricultural arena for 20 years. He is currently Head of Product & Innovation, leading an international team working on new products and services for SCOR P&C clients.

After 10 years spent in the food industry as an agronomist and project manager, Henri joined Astrium Spot Image (now called Airbus Group) in 2011 as Global Market Manager for agriculture. Here he developed products and services using satellite imagery for crop management, yield forecast and crop insurance. Building on his strong experience of developing innovative agriculture services for different parts of the world, Henri joined SCOR in 2014 and spent 8 years as a Senior Agriculture Underwriter in charge of South American markets and agriculture innovation projects. He is currently Head of Product & Innovation, leading an international team working on new products and services for SCOR P&C clients. Having been involved with Environmental Sustainable and Governance (ESG) related agriculture projects and businesses for several years, Henri is now working on the potential development of new ESG-focused insurance products and services.

Presentations by Henri Douche
Henri Douche Plenary
Henri Douche Plenary
Henri Douche