
Géraldine Pérez

Oceanographic Institute Paul Ricard

After a PhD in the Montpellier University (France) on tuna fishery management using modelling approach, I work now at the Oceanographic Institute Paul Ricard (France) on the MaCoBioS project. We use the links among biodiversity, ecosystem services and societal challenges to propose a porfolio of potential protection, restoration and/or management actions to implement. I also work on the SAR-LAB project on a panel of 5 restorative activities implemented within the Brusc lagoon (France). I am going to this panel of activities from the MaCoBioS point of view m.

Presentations by Géraldine Pérez
An ecological seascape comparison of five marine restorative activities within the Brusc’s Lagoon, France
An ecological seascape comparison of five marine restorative activities within the Brusc’s Lagoon, France
Géraldine Pérez