
Anna Calle

Charles Darwin Foundation

Anna Calle is a researcher for the Galapagos Verde 2050 program at the Charles Darwin Foundation, focusing on the restoration of degraded ecosystems across seven islands in the Galapagos archipelago. Anna holds a BS in Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a master's degree with a specialization in Conservation Planning and Environmental Data Science from the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management. She is a member of the Galapagos’ Plants Specialists Group within the IUCN’s Species Survival Commission.

Presentations by Anna Calle
Integrating ecological restoration and endangered species recovery to save three plant species from the Lecocarpus genus, endemic to the Galapagos
Integrating ecological restoration and endangered species recovery to save three plant species from the Lecocarpus genus, endemic to the Galapagos
Anna Calle