
Bindiya Rashni

University of the South Pacific

Bindiya Rashni (Miss) is a freshwater ecologist/PhD candidate at University of the South
Pacific in Fiji. She is one of the Oceania Regional Coordinators of the Freshwater Biodiversity
Observation Network (FWBON) group of the Global Earth Observation Network
(GEOBON). She has over a decade of experience in freshwater biodiversity assessments in
the Melanesia region. Her research interest is centered on Small Island freshwater ecosystem
biodiversity, biomonitoring, and climate resilience capacity building for the indigenous
riverine communities.

Presentations by Bindiya Rashni
Weaving bio-cultural values in nature-based solutions: An iTaukei community dam restoration and ethno-biomonitoring
Weaving bio-cultural values in nature-based solutions: An iTaukei community dam restoration and ethno-biomonitoring
Bindiya Rashni